Contoh descrivtive text dan soalnya

Descriptive text adalah sebuah text yang menggambarkan atau menjelaskan sesuatu, baik itu manusia, hewan, tumbuhan maupun benda mati. Descriptive text juga menjelaskan tentang sifat, bentuk, warna, ukuran, fungsi dan masih banyak hal lain yang itu di jelaskan di dalam text ini. Fungsinya yaitu untuk mengatahui tentang objek tersebut. Selain itu, descriptive text termasuk kedalam salah satu text yang akan di ujian nasionalkan baik itu tingkat smp/mts ataupun sma/ma. Untuk itu disini akan saya tuliskan beberapa contoh descriptive text beserta contoh soalnya yang ambil dari soal UN sebagai berikut:

    Bee fly from flower to flower, sipping nectar and collecting grains of pollen. Bees have a special tongue that sucks up the nectar and a crop in their throat for storing it until they get back to the hive, where it is turned into the honey to use as food.
    Many plants depend on bees spread pollen, helping them to reproduce. Flowers that attract bees are usually yellow, blue, or purple. Many bees specialize in one species. In areas where different flowering plants bloom at the same time, keep different bee species from fighting over the same flower!
    Honey bees and bumblebees live in colonies or hives. All the bees in the colony work together for the good of the hive. Each has a job to do: the queen lays the eggs and the workers build the honeycomb, care for the larvae and collect the food.

1. The benefit of reading the text is to know.....
     a. the bees in general                                      
     b. the bees in colony
     c. the habitat of the bees
     d. the different bee species
2.  How are the bees cooperative?
     a. Bees fly from flower to flower
     b. Bees in the colony work together
     c. the worker build the honeycomb
    d. many bees specialize in one plant species
3. "..... for storing it until get back to the hive....)
    The underline word is closest in meaning to ......
     a. working
     b. flighting
     c. keeping
     d. throwing

    Hurricane are giant, spiralling tropical storms that can pack wind speeds of over 160 miles (257 kilometers) an hour and unleash more than 2.4 trillion gallons (9 trillion liters) of rain a day.
     Hurricane begin as tropical disturbance in warm ocean waters with surface temperatures of least 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.5 degrees Celsius). These low pressure system are fed by energy from the warm seas. If a storm achieves wind of 38 miles (61 kilometers) an hour, it becomes known as a tropical depression. A tropical depression become a tropical storm, when its sustained wind speeds top 39 miles (63 kilometers) an hour. when a storm's sustained wind speeds reach 74 miles (114 kilometers) an hour, it becomes a hurricane and earns a category rating of 1 to 5 on the Saffir-Simpson.

1. What is the topic of the text?
    a. tropical disturbance in warm ocean
    b. the wind speeds of the giant storm
    c. tropical storm known as cyclones
    d. giant tropical storms, hurricanes
2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
    a. tropical depression is caused by wind speeds of 38 miles
    b. the low pressure system are fed by energy from warm seas
    c. the wind speeds can charge a hurricane into a tropical storm
    d. the surface temperature and wind speeds can cause a hurricane
3. If a storm achives wind speeds of 74 miles an hour, it becomes a......
    a. hurricane
    b. tropical storm
    c. tropical depression
   d.  low pressure system
4. A tropical storm happens when storm's wind speeds reach .... miles an hour
   a. 39
   b. 61
   c. 74

   Located in the suburban area of Semarang, Santosa hotel offers well furnished rooms in the calm and peaceful atmosphere. It features a cozy restaurant which provide many kind of Indonesian and international cuisine, a large ball room, meeting room and art gallery.
    Featuring spacious and elegant interiors, each air conditioned room is provided with a cable TV, a bathroom a wardrobe, a tea or coffee maker, and minibar are also available.
    Guest can exercise at the fitness centre or enjoy a refreshing dip in the indoor swimming pool.

1. The text is addressed to travelers who want to .......
    a. spent the day in cheerful athmospher
    b. relax in a quite a place
    c. do outdoor activities
    d. eat traditional foods.
2. What additional facilities can be enjoyed by the guest?
    a. Indoor sport activities
    b. Outdoor sport arena
    c. A spacious meeting room
    d. Local and International foods
3. " Featuring spacious and elegant interiors"
    The underline word is closest in meaning to ........
    a. big
    b. wide
    c. large
    d. luxurious

  Rani is my closed-friend. She lives in Palembang. She likes Pempek, traditional dish from Palembang. She also likes the city because it is not too crowded. She thinks Palembang is hot most of the time. This is the thing she complain about.
    Rani is not too tall but she is cute and pretty. She has fair complexion with her long black hair. She is good at most of the subject at school. She likes writing song lyrics. She is my best friend.

1. What is the purpose of text?
    a. to tell reasons why the writer loves Rani
    b. to inform reader how the writer got to know Rani
    c. to entertain readers with the story of Rani
    d. to tell readers how Rani looks like
2. The only thing doesn't like about Rani about Palembang is.......
    a. The food
    b. The weather
    c. The traffic
    d. The people
3. We know from the text that Rani is
    a. Clever
    b. Shy
    c. Lazy
    d. Energetic
4. " She has fair complexion...."
    The underline word is closest meaning to ....
     a. hair
     b. face
     c. skin
     d. posture

     The Sydney Opera House
     The Sydney Opera House is multi venue performing arts center in Sydney, Australia, identified as one of the 20th century's most distinctive buildings.
     Design by Danish architect Jorn Utzon's, the building was formally opened on 20 October 1973 after gestation beginning with Utzon's 1957 selection as winner of an international design competition. The government of New South Wales, led by the premier, Joseph Cahill, authorized work to begin in 1958 with Utzon directing construction. The government's decision to build Utzon's design is often overshadowed by circumstances that followed, including cost and scheduling over runs as well as the architect's ultimate resignation.
      The building and its surrounds occupy the whole of Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, between Sydney Cove and Farm Cove, adjacent to the Sydney  central business district and the Royal Botanic Gardens, and close by the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
     Though its name suggest a single venue, the building comprises multiple performance venues which together are among the busiest performing art centers-hosting well over 1500 performances annually, attended by more than 1.2 million people. Performances are presented by numerous performing artist, including four resident companies: Opera Australia, The Australian Ballet, the Sydney Theater Company and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. As one of the most popular visitor attractions in Australia, more than eight million people visit the site each year, and approximately 350,000 visitor take a guided tour of the building each year. The building is managed by the Sydney Opera House Trust, an agency of the New South Wales State Government.
      On 28 June 2007, the Sydney Opera House became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

1. What does the text tell us about?
     a. the location of the Sydney Opera House building     
     b. the designer of the Sydney Opera House building
     c. the description of the Sydney Opera House building
     d. te designation of the Sydney Opera House on World Heritage Site
2. Based on the text,the the Sydney Opera House is .......building in Sydney, Australia
     a. Royal botanic
     b. Central business
     c. The center of performance
     d. Sydney Cove Symphony orchestra
3. What might a music lover do after reading the text?
     a. Making an international competition there
     b. Planning to watch an opera or orchestra show there
     c. Going there to take the picture of the Sydney Opera House
     d. Praising the opera house as a UNESCO world heritage site
4. " The building and its surrounds occupy the whole of " (paragraph 3)
     The underline word refers to ....
     a. the Sydney Harbour
     b. the Royal Botanic Garden
     c. the Sydney Opera House building
     d. the Sydney central business district

Demikianlah tentang descriptive text semoga dapat membantu anda dalam menguasai pelajaran bahasa inggris dengan mudah. 

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