Contoh procedure text beserta contohnya

Procedure text itu adalah text yang membahas tentang tata cara membuat atau menggunakan atau melakukan suatu  benda atau kegiatan. contohnya yaitu cara membuat kue, atau makanan, bisa juga cara membuat email atau tata cara menghidupkan atau mematikan komputer.Itu semua adalah contoh kecil dari procedure text. Procedure text biasanya selalu diujikan di setiap soal ujian baik UN, maupun ujian test masuk universitas. Untuk jelasnya disini akan saya tuliskan beberapa contoh procedure text dalam bahasa inggris beserta soalnya.

How to use camera
1. find the " on " button on top of camera and press it. Wait for it to turn on and load
2. Adjust setting if necessary (refers to users-manual)
3. look into LCD screen on back of camera to aim the camera at whatever your target is zoom in or out if necessary
4. find the photo button (always on top right of the camera)
5. once target is the screen how you want it, hold the camera still, press and hold in the button until the camera flashes
6. view your picture by using playback button on the back of the camera
7. insert your memory card or attach your USB cord to your computer and upload your picture into your computer to print or save  

1.The best of the writer to write the text is to give instruction how to .... a digital camera.
    a. demonstrate how to upload a picture from
    b. show how to insert a memory card in
    c. show how to view a picture by using 
    d. take  best picture using
2. What should you do if you have already catch the object of your photo?
    a.view it using the playback button
    b. zoom it out
    c. press the button directly
    d. wait a moment until the camera is ready
3. What will happen if you do not press and hold in the photo button?
    a. the picture cannot be printed
    b. the camera cannot turn on
    c. the camera will not flash
    d. the picture will be good
4. " of the camera and press it"
    the word "it" refers to.......
   a. on button 
   b. the camera
   c. LCD screen
   d. photo button

Banana Bread Recipe
- 3 or 4 ripe bananas, mashed
- 1 cup melted butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- pinch of salt
- 1  cups of all purpose flour

preheat the oven to 350 F (175 C ). With a wooden spoon, mix butter with the mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl, add sugar, egg, and vanilla. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix them. Add the flour, the mix it. pour mixture into a buttered 4x8 inch loaf pan. Bake for 1 hour. Cool on rack then remove it from pan and slice to serve.

1. What should we do before we sprinkle the baking soda to the mashed bananas?
    a. add flour and butter
    b. sprinkle salt to the mixture
    c. add sugar,egg, and vanilla
    d. pour the mixture into a loaf pan
2. how much vanilla do we need to make banana bread?
    a. 1 cup
    b. 1 1 cups
    c. 1 teaspoon
    d. 3 teaspoon
3. "....mix the butter into mashed  bananas..."
    The underline word has similar meaning with.....
    a. crushed
    b. damaged
    c. ripen
    d. failed
4. "....then remove it from the pan...."
    the word "it" refers to...
   a. mixture
   b. flour
   c. cake
   d. rack

How to Repel Mice
Mice might look cute, but they can be harmful pets that destroy household items eat and mess with food and can spread severe disease through their faces and parasites they carry. here are some useful tips how to repel house mice:
1. use peppermint, put the peppermint near wall corners.
2. pour generous amount of peppermint oil on cotton balls
3. place the saturated cotton balls on areas where mice are possibly seen around counter tops/under the sofas in your living room
4. put them behind shelves, wall corners or on the floor beneath your kitchen sink.
1. Why do we use peppermint to repel mice? because
    a. peppermint is fresh to breathe
    b. mice love the peppermint 
    c. mice will die of breathing mint
    d. mice hate the smell of peppermint
2. from the text above, we can conclude that....
    a. mice spread severe diseases through faces
    b. peppermint is useful to repel mice
    c. mice love peppermint
    d. we can place oil everywhere to repel mice

sekian contoh dari procedure text dan contohnya semoga bermanfaat.

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