Surat Undangan (Invitation )merupakan materi yang akan selau di ujikan dalam Ujian Nasional. Oleh karena itu penting bagi anda untuk mengetahui lebih tentang surat undangan baik itu model text dan pertanyaannya, agar membantu anda dalam menjawab setiap pertanyan. Untuk itu, disini akan saya tuliskan contoh dari surat undangan beserta soalnya yang pernah di ujikan di ujian nasional sebelum-sebelumnya.
To: ALL OSIS members of 7th and 8th grades
You are invited to come to our weekly meeting which will be held on:
Day / date : Thursday / 22 November 2017
Time : 1 - 3 p.m
Place : OSIS meeting room.
Agenda : Discussion for OSIS annual election event.
OSIS Head of Committee,
Kartika Pasaribu
PS : Please come on time or we will start without you since it's an urgent agenda
1.What is the writer's purpose to write the text?
a. To do the writer's urgent call to all OSIS members
b. To invite all OSIS members to attend OSIS meeting
c. To give information about OSIS annual election party
d. To inform readers how to do OSIS annual elction party
2. According to the text, what will OSIS members talk about in the meeting?
a. Meeting room
b. Urgent agenda
c. OSIS program
d. Election Party
We'll have pizza, cake and ice cream
and plenty of prize for who are lucky
1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To tell how to get to Lharisee Cafe
b. To invite someone to come to Pemuda street
c. To inform thatAzhaar will hold a birthday party
d. To ask some one to attend Azhaar's birthday party.
2. What will you do at Lharisee cafe in Azhaar's birthday party?
a. Order pizza and cake
b. Turn Azhaar to seventeen
c. Make pizza and ice cream
d. Enjoy pizza, ice cream and get the prize
The family and friends of
Michael J. Stephenson
Invite you to attend a celebration
in honor of his graduation
from the university of Maryland
Saturday, January 24th
07.00 p.m
The Stephenson home
8555 lackside avenue
Silver Springs. MD
RSVP by January 16th
a. to know more about the University of Maryland
b. to prepare Stephenson's graduation at his house
c. to confirm time and place of the graduation day
d. to come to Stephenson's graduation day
2. What will the invitees probably do before coming to the event?
a. Attend the graduation day to honour Stephenson.
b. Make sure the time and place of the graduation day
c. Confirm whether or not they attend the celebration
d. Contact University of Maryland about the celebration day
Friends and family
Join us to celebrate
Casey's 15th Birthday!
Saturday, 21 May 2016
5.00 p.m.
123 Main street Perth
RSVP to Lisa at 123-456-7891
a. at night
b. In the evening
c. In the morning
d. In the afternoon
2. What can we conclude from the the invitation?
a. The invitation is written by Lisa
b. For confirmation, we can contact Lisa
c.Charlotte and Lisa are Casey's cousins
d. Lisa is the owner of the house at 123 main street Perth
My special day is coming
I am 14 years old now.
My parents are having a special party for me
your smile and laugh we hope.
So came to the party, and it will be lots of fun
The party will be held at three to five p.m.
Sunday, December 22, 2018
Nini's house
45 Cibinong Street
1. Why does Nini write the text?
a. She wants her friends to be happy
b. She hopes her friends to smile and laugh
c. Her parents had a special party for her
d. She wants her friends to come to her party
2. What does the word "it" in the text refer to ?
a. Special day
b. Birthday
c. Partyd. House
Demikanlah contoh surat undangan semoga bermanfaat untuk anda. TERIMA KASIH
NB: jika artikel ini bermanfaat bagi anda maka tolong dishare ke teman anda sehingga akan menjadi amal jariyah bagi anda di akhirat kelak
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