Contoh Greeting Card dan Soalnya

Greeting Card adalah suatu teks yang mengekspresikan suatu perasaan atau perhatian seseorang yang di ungkapkan dalam bentuk kartu baik ungkapan selamat, terima kasih,  dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Greeting card juga menjadi bagian dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang sangat penting karena selalu diujikan dalam soal-soal materi Ujian Nasional. Berikut adalah contoh Greeting Card dan soalnya:

Dear Yudhistiro

Finally, you did it !
You have finished your study with flying color
Your achievement proves you are the best!
You really deserve it, buddy

Mom and Dad

1. What is the purpose of the greeting card?
    a. To give support
    b. To show happiness
    c. To give some flying color
    d. To show appreciation
2. Why are Yudhistiro's parents so pround of him
    a. He has done the test
    b. He has finished his study
    c. He is the best in his school
    d. He can show his achievement

To : Cynthia and team

Congratulation on your success in the national dancing festival in Makassar. We also hope that Cynthia will be successful in reading and singing competition. You are the best, we are proud of you.

The teacher

1. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
    a. to express their happiness on their success
    b. to make Cynthia and team happy on their success
    c. to congratulate Cynthia and team on their success
    d. to make their students proud on their success
2. "We are proud of you" 
     The underline word refers to.....
    a. The teachers
    b. Cynthia and team
    c. The teachers and Cynthia
    d. Cynthia 

Dear Naila

Congratulation! after hearing you won an English speaking contest and you get a trophy, I really happy to hear it. I hope you always win in the next years contest.

your friend

1. What is the aim of the text?
    a. to support her friend
    b. to give the prize
    c. to congratulate her friends
    d. to make the new members
2. "I really happy to hear it"
     The underline word, it has similar meaning to .....
     a. ready
     b. listen
     c. suppose
     d. strike

To : Ruth

I'd like to congratulate you on passing your exam.
I do hope you are always successful.


1. Why does Joshua send the card? because
    a. he wants to tell Ruth about his exam
    b. he wants to congratulate Ruth
    c. his exam is difficult to do
    d. he wants to be successful.
2. "I do hope you are always successful"
     The word " hope " has closest meaning to ......
     a. lose
     b. wonderful
     c. born
     d. expect

Sekian  greeting card ini saya tuliskan, semoga bermanfaat bagi anda. THANK YOU

NB : jikalau artikel ini bermanfaat maka silahkan dishare ke teman anda karna akan menjadi amal jariyah bagi anda . terima kasih

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