Contoh surat ( Letter ) dalam bahasa inggris beserta soalnya

Surat (letter) dalam bahasa inggris ini sangat penting untuk dipelajari karena  surat dalam bahasa inggris selalu masuk kedalam ujian nasional. Maka penting bagi anda untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut dengan teliti, karna akan mempemudah anda dalam menjawab setiap soal yang akan di ujikan. Oleh karena itu disini akan saya tuliskan contoh surat dan soalnya.

Dear Ramadan,
I'm sorry for cancelling our plan to visit grandma on Lebaran Day. I hope you are not upset. I promise we will do it next year.

1. What is the writer's purpose to write the text?
    a. to ask for forgiveness for being upset
    b. to tell when they will visit their grandma
    c. to inform what they will do next year
    d. to inform the cancellation of visiting grandma
2. What was their plan for the Lebaran day this year?
    a. Cancelling their visit to grandma
    b. Gathering in Ramadan's house
    c. Having Lebaran day together
    d. Visistig their grandma
3. " I promise we will do next year "
    The underline word refers to ..........
    a. Ramadan and his father
    b. Ramadan and his grandma
    c. Ramadan's father and grandma
    d. Ramadan's grandma and his father

Mrs Emily;
My daughter just told me that you give a visit to our home this morning. I am so sorry I was not at home. I have medical check up at the central hospital in town. I would like to ask you to have dinner next Saturday night so we can have a chat. I will be happy if you could come.
Mrs Diana

1. Mrs Diana writes the message to Mrs to .....
   a. meet her daughter and ask her to give a visit
   b. apologize and invite her for dinner
   c. ask her to have dinner and show her medical record
   d. come to Mrs Diana's house for dinner
2. What will Mrs Emily do on receiving the message?
   a. Forgive all Mrs Diana's mistakes
   b. Tell Mrs Diana whether she could come for dinner or not
   c. inform Mrs Diana that she will give a visit soon
   d. come to Mrs Diana's house for dinner

Dear Edo
Thanks for your letter. How's everything going? The school here has begun and I miss my summer. I spent my summer holiday at a camp. There was nothing interesting at home so I went to the beach with friends. We had a wonderful time there. We played volleyball, went swimming, and sunbathed. We had had various programmes at the beach camp. I met a lot of friends there. Well, I went to know about your summer holiday, too. Tell me about it. I am looking forward to your reply.

Best Wishes.

1. Why was Julia happy at the beach?
    a. she met Edo at the beach camp
    b. There was nothing to do at home
    c. she did many activities at the beach
    d. she planned many  programme at the beach
2. From the text above we can conclude that Julia ......
    a. had a holiday with Edo
    b. spent her holiday at home
    c. enjoyed her summer holiday
    d. asked Edo to spend a holiday together 

Dear Nancy

        We are having a great holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to the movie world. When we got up in the morning. It looked like rain. After a while the cloud disappeared and it became a sunny day. Then we decided to go to the movie world.
         The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next, I watch the Police Academy Show. After that, I had lunch because I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for the Batman ride.
         About one o'clock, we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. Then we went on all the other rides
        It was a top day. See you when you get back.


1. What does the text tell you about?
     a. The Gold Coast
     b. The Movie World
     c. Sam's holiday
     d. The shower of rain
2. When did Sam spend all his holiday with his family?
    a. In the Movie World
    b. On the Gold Coast
    c. In Lethal Weapon ride
    d. At te Police Academy
3. Why did they decide to go to the Movie World?
    a. They were really hungry
    b. It was sunny day
    c. It was a rainy day
    d. They woke up early

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