Contoh Annoucement Text dan Soalnya

Annoncement text adalah sebuah text yang menjelaskan tentang pengumuman yang mana text itu  menceritakan tentang sebuah berita yang akan di beritahukan atau di umumkan ke orang lain. berikut adalah contoh dari text pengumuman beserta soalnya:

To  : All OSIS members of  7th and 8th grades

You are invited to come our weekly meeting which will be held on:
Day/date               : Thursday / 22 November 2017
Time                     : 1-3 p.m.
Place                    :  OSIS meeting room
Agenda                 : Discussion for OSIS annual election event

OSIS Head of Committee

Kartika Pasaribu

PS : Please come on time or we will start without you since it's on urgent agenda 

1. What is the writer's purpose to  write the text?
    a. To do the writer's urgent call to all OSIS members
    b. To invite all OSIS members to attend OSIS meeting
    c. To give information about OSIS annual election party
    d. To inform readers how to do OSIS annual election party
2. According to the text, what will OSIS members talk about in the meeting?
    a. meeting room
    b. urgent agenda
    c. OSIS program
    d. Election Party

To commemorate the upcoming National Education Day, the students Board Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English speech contest, story telling contest and wallmagazine competition. The objective of the programs is to develop students' skill in English speech. The programs will be held on May 1st, 2017. The English speech contest and the English story telling contest will begin at 08.00 at. While the wall magazine competition will start at 10.00 a.m. The contestants should be ready at 07.00 a.m. All classes must take part in the programs. for detailed information please contact the coordinator of the programs, Julia o class 8.2 

1. What is the writer's intention to write the text?
    a. to announce the programs to celebrate the National Education Day
    b. to invite students for watching the English contest
    c. to explain how to join the speech English contest
    d. to develop the students' skill in English
2. What should the students do to participate in the program?
   a. contact the program coordinator
   b. watch some good English contests
   c. support only interesting programs
   d. come to school before 07.30 a.m
3. " the objective of the programs is to develop students' skill in English
   a. step
   b. goal
   c. tool
   d. material

Due to extreme weather, our school is closing 4 hours earlier, at 11.00 a.m. If you pick up your child, please be at school no later than 10.30 a.m Buses will follow their normal routes.

1. Why will the school be closing earlier?
    a. there are fewer school activities
    b. there is a threat of terrible weather
    c. parents wants to pick up their children
    d. school buses have new routes and schedules 
2. What time will classes be over?
    a. 10.30 a.m
    b. 11.00 a.m
    c. 03.00 p.m
    d. 04.00 p.m
3. " Due to extreme weather "
    a. mild
    b. warm
    c. pleasant
    d. severe

To all students of grade VIII. there will be a school holiday for two weeks. Please do a project of descriptive text in writing. It should be about any animal around your house. You can describe your own pet or your neighbour's. Don't forget to put the animal's photo in your writing. You have to submit it on the first day of the second semester.

Mr. Hasan  

1. What is the announcement about?
    a. semester holiday
    b. Neighbour's pet 
    c. writing project
    d. picture description
2. What should the student  do during their holiday?
    a. doing project of descriptive text
    b. describing the first day of semester
    c. being away from the school
    d. taking pictures of a pet
3. " You have to submit it on the first day...."
The underline word has meaning to....
    a. bring
    b. collect
    c. take
    d. send

sekian announcement text dari saya semoga bermanfaat bagi anda. dan jika menurut anda artikel berguna maka tolong di share karena dengan anda menshare ini maka anda sudah berbuat baik untuk diri anda. karna pahala ilmu itu pahalanya  tidak pernah terputus dan selalu dihisab.

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